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Police swept East Kowloon gambling stalls, drug caves, unlicensed gangsters and 265 people including members of Ju He Shenghe


[US] Seized chips. [TW] 檢獲的籌碼。

[US] Evidence such as game cards involved in the case. [TW] 涉案遊戲卡等證物。

[US] A large amount of cash was seized. [TW] 檢獲大量現金。

The Police East Kowloon Region launched "Operation Thunder" to combat illegal triad activities and sources of income in the region. They raided more than 50 premises last night (29th) and arrested a total of 265 people (16 to 79 years old). , Were suspected of "illegal operation of gambling establishments", "trafficking dangerous drugs" and "money laundering" and other crimes. It is reported that among the arrested are members of the gang and Shenghe.

The Senior Criminal Superintendent of the East Kowloon Region, Chung Lai Yi, said that the police deployed earlier and sent a number of detectives to infiltrate a number of gang-controlled game console centers, gambling venues, drug caves and unlicensed bars in the area to collect evidence. Criminals use game consoles and social platforms to induce young people to engage in illegal activities.

The police mobilized more than 500 people to participate in the operation. The Criminal Division of the East Kowloon Region, together with criminal units, special forces, mobile units, gambling experts, and criminal investigators from the West Kowloon Police District, took action for 2 consecutive days starting from yesterday. Combat illegal activities of triad societies active in East Kowloon. At 8:30 last night, the police raided relevant premises and smashed 10 gaming machine centers operating illegal gambling, 15 gambling venues offering baccarat, fishing machines, poker, etc., multiple drug canteens, and gang control Unlicensed bar.

During the operation, the police froze 4 local bank accounts and 1 stored-value payment tool account, involving a total of 1.4 million Hong Kong dollars. It was suspected that gangs were involved in handling illegal gains. So far, the police have detained 202 men and 63 women, including 6 non-Chinese individuals, suspected of "operating illegal gambling establishments", "gambling in gambling establishments", "drug trafficking", "conspiracy to traffic drugs", and "operating "Drug Cave", "Unlicensed Sale of Alcoholic Drinks", "Self-proclaimed Triad Officer", "Self-proclaimed Triad Member" and "Money Laundering", etc. Among them, 14 persons in charge of the premises were also arrested on suspicion of violating the suspension order. In addition, 75 people were suspected of violating the "Prevention and Control of Disease Regulations" at the same time, and the officers issued fixed penalty notices to them. Most of the arrested persons belonged to the same gang, and 57 people are still wanted.

In addition, the police seized about 730,000 Hong Kong dollars in cash, 339 gambling game machines, 15 value-added machines, 228 game stored value cards, card readers, and a large number of books used for redemption. In addition, the market value of more than 60,000 Hong Kong dollars was released. The suspected drugs, including ice, heroin and "Smurfs", also have a large number of packaging and smoking tools.

The police issued a total of 75 tickets for violating the "Prevention and Control of Diseases Ordinance" and arrested 14 persons in charge of the premises. Among them, 5 illegal amusement centers must be closed immediately. The police action is still ongoing and it is believed that more people will be arrested later.

The Chief Inspector of the Regional Anti-Triad Group Qiu Zongtai pointed out that according to police investigations, a triad organization active in the district controlled multiple licensed game console centers to secretly conduct gambling activities, and also conspired with the person in charge of the center to redeem points for the guests. The game points obtained will be exchanged for cash, and a commission will be drawn from it for profit. In addition, gang members have also opened a number of illegal casinos, drug dens and unlicensed bars in the district, and used the gaming center as a platform to attract new customers.

Some premises will provide a one-stop service, where different crimes occur at the same time, such as illegal gambling in places selling alcohol at the same time, and other establishments blatantly post different drug prices. Regarding unlicensed bars, the information received by the police showed that in order to attract more new customers, gangs listed new terms on different social platforms. For example, if customers pay a higher entrance fee, they can get a "one-stop" package service. In the bar, there is an unlimited supply of drugs and alcohol, and even a female escort service is provided.

In order to make guests feel at ease, the illegal places are packaged as "iron sinuses" and staff are arranged to accompany customers in and out of the bar. Steel gates, multiple soundproofing facilities and closed-circuit television systems are also installed in the bar area. There are also "watchers" on the streets nearby. Surveillance. It is reported that the relevant "business" involves extremely high profits and has become one of the main sources of income for the gang. It is estimated that the monthly turnover is as high as 1 million Hong Kong dollars, based on the conversion of gaming consoles into casinos. Illegal venues took advantage of the trend and attracted a large number of guests.

When explaining the operation, Chief Inspector Han Chenghao of the Narcotics Bureau said that the detectives noticed that the staff responsible for redemption were very vigilant. First, they would test the identity of the guests and even ask for proof of work. Some people only redeem points for regular customers and strengthened police searches. Difficulty. Some game console centers use so-called "game tokens" to replace point cards, requiring guests to exchange tokens into token exchange coupons before they exchange for cash, thereby concealing people’s eyes and eyes and making it more difficult for law enforcement officers to detect crimes.

He pointed out that all game console centers must abide by the license conditions to operate, but the agents have repeatedly succeeded in redeeming points during the operation, which shows that some responsible persons have failed to perform their supervisory duties and condoned others to engage in gambling activities, turning the venues into a hotbed of crime for criminals. Take the opportunity to commit other crimes such as peddling drugs. In order to prevent the police from pursuing the investigation, the gang will also arrange for members to go to different places to collect the proceeds of the crime every night, and then the members will go to the designated place to "log numbers" to carry out money laundering activities.

At the same time, during the investigation, the police found that the cracked drug den was different from the past. The criminals used a mixed business model, combined with a drug canteen and a casino. Guests can "betting on the machine while taking drugs while gambling." Solicit. These drug canteens are for the convenience of customers, so they use mobile stored-value payment tools to charge their accounts, and post QR Codes on the premises, and then use different accounts to process the benefits. The police have successfully tracked down the relevant accounts and frozen the funds, and will trace the flow of the group's black money.

Senior Inspector of the Regional Anti-Triad Squad, Xiao Luohui, said that the police remind the public, especially young people, not to indulge in gambling. Regulations.

He also reminded young people not to come into contact with drugs or visit unlicensed bars because of curiosity and free hospitality. In addition to gambling and drugs, these bars may become places where gangs gather and engage in illegal activities, taking the opportunity to induce young people to go astray. . The police will consider applying to the court for a heavier penalty in this case, and tracing the casino owners and tenants. If a licensee, proxy licensee or employee is convicted of violations, the police will apply to revoke and deny subsequent licensing matters.


警掃東九龍賭檔毒窟無牌吧挫黑幫 拘和勝和成員等265人












同時,警方在調查期間,發現破獲的毒窟不同以往,罪犯採用混合經營模式,結合毒品飯堂和賭場,客人可以「一邊打機賭錢,一邊吸毒」,當中更會提供免費冰毒及吸食工具作招徠。該些毒品飯堂為便利客人,故此利用流動儲值支付工具戶口收費,並在場所張貼收款二維碼(QR Code),繼而用不同戶口處理得益。警方現已成功追查相關戶口及凍結款項,將會追查集團黑錢流向。




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