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Love to gamble and fail to take responsibility

[US] The owner of a building material store in Kaohsiung became obsessed with Zengbo and owed a huge sum of 25 million yuan. [TW] 高雄某建材行老闆沉迷贈博欠下2500萬鉅款後落跑,留下妻小面對債主逼債。

After being addicted to gambling 15 years ago, the owner of a building material store in Kaohsiung not only ignored business, but also owed debts. His wife was struggling to support his business in order to help him repay the debts. After continuing to come to the house, She had to petition the court for divorce to sever the relationship. After the judge's hearing, the marriage relationship between them was considered to be a mere formality and the divorce was approved.

The verdict pointed out that after the owner of the building materials store and his wife got married in 1980, they had 4 children after marriage. In 2005, the owner of the building material store began to indulge in gambling, such as mahjong, Tianjiu cards, underground sports lottery, lottery, and lottery. Pigeon racing and so on all played. At first, he lost money, and the boss still had some money to deal with by himself. Later, he lost more and more, so he had to go home and ask his wife for help.

On the one hand, his wife was angry that he ignored his business and family in order to give a blog, but still used money to help him solve his debts. After seeing his wife for help, the boss did not reform and the prodigal son turned back. Instead, he became more and more gambled.

The owner of the building materials shop wins less and loses more. He goes home and his wife makes a loud noise without getting the money. He also beats his wife. In recent years, he beats his wife more frequently. He mortgaged his land to the peasant association and said that he could deal with the money he owed. After his wife promised, he did not take the money to repay the debt. Instead, he used it as his gambling money. After losing it all, the creditor came to the door. Worried about affecting the family's business operations and the peace of life, I had to help him deal with his debts.

In August last year, the boss suddenly put down his wife and child. The family members called him and realized that they had stopped talking. A few days later, a large number of creditors came to the door. After estimation, the wife found out that the husband owed a huge amount of 25 million yuan outside. After her husband had dealt with gambling debts for many years and was exhausted physically and mentally, she decided to make a clean decision with her husband, so she petitioned the court for divorce.

During the trial in the Kaohsiung Family Court, the boss failed to appear after repeated summons. Based on the testimony of the two sons and daughters and related evidence, the judge determined that the boss of the building materials store had a debt due to gambling problems. Due to debts, wives and children have to constantly face demands from creditors and bear considerable mental and financial pressure. Anyone in the same situation will lose the will to maintain the marriage. Therefore, the two are allowed to divorce and can appeal.


愛賭又沒擔當 建材行老闆欠2500萬鉅款落跑








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